BSA's Starting Point
Everything changes when you commit your life to Jesus or start a season of faith! You feel the difference instantly, and the world takes on a new meaning. But along with that joy often comes a flood of questions. Starting Point will help you navigate those questions: How do I keep growing in my faith? Am I on the right track? How do I understand the faith journey better? We'll delve into these questions, including the big one: "What's next?".
Sunday, Starting Point Session
Class Snapshot
Class Snapshot:
Locations & Registration
Starting Point will take place at Blue Springs Assembly on the first Sunday of every month at 12 pm. Free lunch and childcare provided to (6 months-5th grade) to help fuel the journey. Let us know you're coming by registering by clicking on the event above.
Locations & Registration
Starting Point will take place at Blue Springs Assembly on the first, second, third and fourth Wednesday of every month at 6 pm. Let us know you're coming by registering. Registration isn't required but it will help our team best serve you.